Am I still inspiring? + other QTNA

Oh wow. It’s been a while since I’ve logged into this space and shared my thoughts or helpful tips & tricks. What better way to jump back in than with all the feels, right? Lehgo!

So it’s safe to say I took a biiiiiiiiiig step back from social media over the last year or so. In case you don’t already know what sparked that change, you can read more about how I lost my job in 2018. TLDR version: the company I was working for was super shady & I quit with them owing me thousands of dollars.

That situation led me to make a transition into UX Design from my former career as a Chemist, and I have now been in my first UX position with a new company since October 2019. It was really amazing how God aligned everything for me last summer AND still continues to! (If you’re wondering or confused about what UX Design is, I encourage you to google & learn more about it).

Okay girl, that’s great. But why the step back?

I spent early 2019 holistically exhausted. Mentally, emotionally, and physically — I was just all over the place.

While I was in the midst of my UX Design bootcamp, I was literally spending up to 10 hours a day during the week focused on that. And often my weekends would involve it as well. I finished the bootcamp in August, then had to dedicate myself to finding a job while keeping my morale up throughout that process. Thankfully I stepped into my current position in October & I’ve been dedicated full-force to improving and growing in my new role.

If all of that sounds tiring, that’s because it is.

Don’t get me wrong… I enjoy it all. But I’ve come to the realization that I’m just not in the place to do as much as I was doing 2 years ago. I was literally doing ALL THE THINGS. Working full-time, blogging regularly, sending out newsletters, doing creative shoots & occasionally the paid session as well.

With a job that requires me to use my creativity for 8 hours of the day, it’s a new cadence I have to adjust to when it comes to also using my creativity for personal projects. Not to say that it can’t happen, but I am giving myself grace and time to find myself within my new life rhythm.

Now on to other QTNA.

Q: So what about photography? Are you done with that?

A: This is a question I’ve been asked a lot over the past year or so. And at first I felt this pressure because of it.

I thought to myself: “oh shit, if I don’t share my photography on a regular basis anymore does that mean people no longer find me inspiring? Will they stop following me on Instagram?”

Then I realized I’m MORE than just that one part of me. I’m not “Chanel: the photographer”.

I am Chanel, AND I enjoy photography. I also enjoy being a UX Designer, reading, spending time with friends, going to concerts, shopping, and sipping a good cup of tea.

Long story short: I am a sum of many parts.

This ONE part of me doesn’t define all of who I am. So, while this part of my journey might momentarily be on pause it doesn’t mean I am any less inspiring or that I’m not worth still sharing parts of myself via whatever medium I choose.

To answer the question officially though: NO. I’m not done with photography.

Also, with winter time comes slumps and combined with all I had going on this past fall/winter season, I succumbed to my slump and put my focus elsewhere (in large part due to necessity, because a girl’s gotta be able to earn a living).

However: with warmer weather I tend to naturally find myself feeling more inspired to create. So while I’m not making promises or putting any pressure on myself, I can say lately I’ve felt a slight itch to pick up my camera and create and I’m excited to see what that energy brings.

Q: Okay, but do you want to be a full-time photographer?

A: At the moment, no. In the past I’ve tried to turn photography into something more substantial financially and honestly, it made me lose my love for it. I don’t know where exactly photography will take me long-term, but I’m not going to force anything. And that’s that on that.

While we’re here, a note on turning your hobby into financial gain: YOU DON’T HAVE TO. I feel as though we’ve gotten away from enjoying hobbies simply for the fun of it. In 2020, I’m hoping we can find more balance and realize not ever hobby has to become a side hustle.

If you want to make money for doing what you love, there’s nothing wrong with that. However, let’s stop with the soapboxes about everyone quitting our full time jobs to all become entrepreneurs. Let’s celebrate the many ways there are to make money instead, yes?

Q: What’s up next for you?

A: I’m teaching 2 classes at Click Away Conference 2020 and I’m veryyy excited about them. One will be focused on self portraiture, and the other is centered on photographing women. To follow my experience throughout the conference, keep an eye on my stories over on Instagram.

And if you read this far, thank you.

2020 is full of possibilities for all of us, and I can’t wait to see what’s coming.