Chanel G. Photography

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My 2016 Favorites

We only have a few days left in 2016 and I've decided to summarize my year by putting together a list of all my favorite things from the year. I think I'll make this a yearly tradition as a way to look back on my year and all the things I did, the moments I experienced, and the places I visited.

Favorite Book

Of course I had to start by highlighting my favorite book I read this year. I'm pretty proud of the amount of reading I did this year. Usually I'm more of a fiction-only person, but reading Girlboss opened up my eyes to the benefits of including self-help books on my bookshelf. So I've set a goal to read at least 3 self-help books next year- along with my fiction choices too, of course! 

Hands down, my favorite book of 2016 has to be "You Are A Badass" by Jen Sincero (and technically, I'm still reading it lol). SERIOUSLY, this book is a game changer. Everyone who's read it and recommended it to me agrees. And everyone who's checked it out because I recommended it to them also agrees. So do yourself a favor and grab a copy. And a highlighter. And a pen. You'll need them, trust me.

Favorite Song

I was introduced to a lot of new artists in 2016, but my favorite by far has to be H.E.R. Her album is titled H.E.R., Vol. 1 (go download it NOW if you have Apple music) and my favorite song is titled "Focus". You can listen below:

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Focus H.E.R.

Favorite City Visited

Although I appreciated each city I visited this year for their own unique aspects they possess, I would say New Orleans had to be my favorite. The colors of the city appealed to my visual senses. The tasty shrimp po'boys and delicious beignets appealed to my taste senses. The live brass bands jamming away in nightclubs as people packed the dance floors appealed to my auditory senses. I was overwhelmed with sensory overload in NOLA and I loved every second of it. Definitely a city on my Must-Visit-Again-List.

Favorite Photo Taken

It's hard to choose just one photo as my favorite of 2016, but I love the story behind this one.

I had learned of this yellow field via social media and when I saw it online I immediately knew I wanted to do a photo session there. I wasn't given exact coordinates of this yellow field, only the general vicinity it was located in (think: between City A and City B, literally). But I was determined to find it, so my friend and I headed out at 5am, made the hour+ long drive, had to do SEVERAL u-turns on the interstate, got off on an exit spontaneously and drove headed in what we thought to be the right direction, and finally found it. It was a journey, BUT the photos that came from that location were gorgeous and made the experience so crazy worth it. I'm hoping to visit this location again next year, as a matter of fact.

Favorite Overall Experience

My favorite experience was probably traveling to Seattle -particularly, my last day in Seattle. The city is known for coffee, and I really wanted to visit a cute coffee shop (besides a Starbucks) while I was there. Normally, I'm a more cautious person, but I decided to search Yelp & find a shop nearby, consult my maps app, and headed out, all on my own. To some, that may seem like no big deal. But for me, it took some bravery to get out & explore a city alone that I'd never been to. It was a moment that made me proud of myself. And that's why it's my favorite memory of 2016. 

Friends, make sure you take the time out to reflect on your year and all of your favorite parts of it. You might be surprised at the moments you remember and the feelings that resurface as those moments are brought front and center in your mind. Wishing you a beautiful end to 2016 and a magnificent beginning to 2017!