Chanel G. Photography

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3 Tips to Get Out of That Creative Rut

*all images in post captured with iPhone 6S Plus

There's 2 words that exist in the human vocabulary that every creative hates. And that's "CREATIVE RUT". Every creative person finds themselves in this position eventually. Whether you're a writer who hits a writer's block, or a photographer who just can't find the motivation to pick up your camera, or a painter who's lacking inspiration. It sucks! We all go through it, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with when you feel you've hit this wall. There are ways to climb your way out of the pit when you've hit a creative rut, and hopefully these tips help you if you find yourself currently in that place.

1. Start a new project

This is one of the best ways to get your creative juices flowing again! Recently I found myself hitting a creative wall, so I decided to brainstorm new projects I could work on to help myself get inspired again. You can go with something fairly simple such as a color challenge. For mine, I decided I would pick a color and for a month photograph that color whenever I see it and create a grid of my captures at the end of the month. (Above is my grid, btw). To start a new project, simply pick a theme and any constraints your project might entail (ex: only using my 50mm camera, freelensing, only black & white captures, etc) and get started! It also helps to set a goal, such as "by the end of the project in 2 month's time I want at least 10 images in my project series". It also helps you stay motivated to announce your project and share as you go! It helps keep you both accountable and motivated.

2. Capture inspiration in everyday things

Try seeing all the beautiful moments that are unfolding around you on a daily basis. When you actively seek to recognize beauty in your everyday happenings, it becomes easier to see the beauty and feel inspired to capture it. If you're a writer, carry a notebook around to jot down random thoughts you may have throughout the day. If you're an illustrator, keep a sketch pad with you at all times. If you're a photographer, improve your iphoneography/camera phone skills so you can use your phone to snap an image whenever you come across inspiration. (I have some helpful tips on taking better camera phone snaps here!) Basically, be aware and be prepared. Be aware of the inspiration that exists around you everyday, and be prepared to capture it.

3. Dive into a new creative outlet

Similar to starting a new project, trying out a new creative outlet can jumpstart your creativity spark. If you're a photographer, why not give videography a try? It doesn't have to be anything too intense or daunting; you can practice making short 60 second videos. If you're a writer, experiment with painting. The point isn't necessarily to master a new trade. It's more so to take the stress off of your current creative outlet, invest energy into a new creative endeavor and in doing so get your creativity muscles actively working again. Videography is on my list of things to try... as soon as I can figure out how to record video on my camera lol! Don't be afraid to take on a new creative journey completely unrelated to your current one. You never know how it may lead to inspiration for your current creative outlet.

Falling into a creative rut is disappointing and can sometimes feel endless. But by actively deciding not to stay stuck there, you can find your way out and possibly even surrounded by new inspiration you may not have encountered otherwise!